TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver
5,10 USD
The Pololu Dual DC Motor Driver 1A, 4.5V-13.5V- TB6612FNG is perfect for controlling two bidirectional DC motors or one bipolar stepper motor.
This tiny board is an easy way to use Toshiba's TB6612FNG dual motor driver. A recommended motor voltage of 4.5 - 13.5 V and peak current output of 3 A per channel (1 A continuous) make this tiny board a great motor driver for low-power motors. This dual motor driver has a built-in thermal shutdown circuit and maximum PWM frequency is 100 kHz. This little breakout board gives you direct access to all of the features of the TB6612FNG and adds power supply capacitors and reverse battery protection on the motor supply (note: there is no reverse protection on the Vcc connection).
• Motor driver: TB6612FNG
• Motor channels: 2
• Minimum operating voltage: 4.5 V
• Maximum operating voltage: 13.5 V
• Continuous output current per channel: 1 A
• Peak output current per channel: 3 A
• Continuous paralleled output current: 2 A
• Maximum PWM frequency: 100 kHz
• Minimum logic voltage: 2.7 V
• Maximum logic voltage: 5.5 V
• Reverse voltage protection?: Y

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