1S-8S LiPo Battery Capacity Indicator
This lipo battery capacity indicator allows you to instantly see the status of your battery.
You can use the S1-S2-S3-S4-S5-S6-S7-S8 section on the back of the product by short-circuiting the pin for whichever battery you will use.
For example, if you short-circuit the area next to the S1 text using solder for a 1S battery, the battery indicator will be available for 1S.
Compatible with 1S-8S lipo batteries according to your setting.
Sample Screen Battery Indicator for 1S:
Below 3.3V, only the red battery frame lights up.
1 bar lights up between 3.3V – 3.5V.
2 bars light up between 3.5V – 3.7V.
3 bars light up between 3.7V – 3.9V
Above 3.9V, 4 bars light up.
The black cable is connected to the "-" terminal.
The red cable is connected to the "+" terminal.
After connecting the positive and negative terminals of the test panel to the positive and negative side of the tested battery, it will display the battery level.
Dimensions: 40mm x 20mm x 8mm