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Protection of Personal Data



It attaches utmost importance to ensure the security of your personal information that you transmit to us either by using our website or by other means. The "Law on Protection of Personal Data" No. 6698 has come into effect.

Personal data: All kinds of information about an identified or identifiable natural person,

Processing of personal data: Acquisition, recording, storage, preservation, alteration, reorganization, disclosure, transfer, acquisition, making it available, which is fully or partially automated or non-automated provided that it is part of any data recording system, any action taken on data such as its classification or inhibition of its use,

Data processor: The real or legal person who processes personal data on his behalf, based on the authority given by the data controller,

Data recording system: The recording system where personal data is processed according to certain criteria,

Data controller: It refers to the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system.

1. Purpose of Protection of Personal Data and Consent Text and Position of our Company's Data Officer:

Our shopping site has the title of "data responsible" within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law ("Law") No. 6698 in terms of personal data regarding customers, and the information about the protection of Personal Data and Consent Text and the personal data processing activities carried out by our customers in accordance with this Law and it is aimed to obtain explicit consent for the situations specified in Article 3 below.

3. Personal Data to be Processed with the Explicit Consent of Customers and Purposes of Processing:

For the following situations where the personal data processing conditions in 5/2 and 6/3 articles of the Law cannot be met, explicit consent of the customers must be obtained in order to process personal data by our Shopping site.

2. Purpose of Processing Personal Data of Customers:

The personal data of the customers are processed below and within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law. Personal data of customers;

Carrying out the necessary studies to benefit the products and services offered by our shopping site by the business units and carrying out the related business processes,

To carry out the necessary studies by the relevant business units to carry out the commercial activities carried out by our shopping site and to carry out the related business processes,

Planning and execution of commercial and / or business strategies of our shopping site,

Planning and execution of the activities required for the provision of legal, technical and commercial-occupational safety of the relevant persons who are in a business relationship with our shopping site, and for the promotion and promotion of the products and services offered by our party to the relevant people, according to their likes, usage habits and needs,

Establishment of possible rights and receivables requests of the concerned

Giving information to the authorized institutions from the legislation

Creating and following up visitor records

Within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Consumers, the Law on the Regulation of Retail Trade and other legal regulations, by our branches, our call center, our affiliated companies or our websites and social media pages, and, without limitation, on behalf of our Company and all kinds of channels. provide,

To serve customers better, to provide and offer various advantages, to provide information about sales, marketing, information, promotions, to provide information about campaigns and conditions, to conduct surveys, customer satisfaction researches, to speed up your purchases, to receive and deliver your orders,

Creating campaigns for customers, cross-selling, determining the target audience,

Carrying out activities that increase user experience by following the customer movements and improving the functioning of the mobile application with the website of our shopping site and personalizing it according to customer needs, direct and indirect marketing, conducting personal marketing and remarketing activities, personal segmentation, targeting, analysis and company conducting intra-reporting activities, market research,

Planning and execution of the sales and marketing processes of the products and / or services of our shopping site, including the planning and execution of customer satisfaction activities, and the planning and execution of customer relationship management processes.



4. Transfer of Personal Data of Customers:

Carrying out the necessary studies by the business units to carry out the necessary work to benefit the personal data of the customers, the products and services offered by our shopping site and the related business processes, conducting the business activities carried out by our shopping site, and conducting the related business processes, The planning and execution of the commercial and / or business strategies of our shopping site, the provision of the legal, technical and commercial-business security of our shopping site and the related persons who have a business relationship with our shopping site, and the products and services offered by our shopping site are customized according to the likes, usage habits and needs of the people concerned. Company officials, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, including the planning and execution of the activities required to be recommended and promoted to the relevant people. Our shares can be shared with our business partners, suppliers, shareholders, legally authorized public institutions and organizations, and private institutions.

The User's Name and Contact Information may be shared with payment institutions for authentication in accordance with the payment agency framework agreement to be approved at the payment stage and in accordance with the Regulation on the Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism, published in the Official Gazette No. 26751 dated 9 January 2008.

Our Shopping Site may transfer personal data to third parties in the country or abroad, within the framework of the above-mentioned purposes, provided that the conditions stipulated in Law No. 6698 are met.

5. Personal Data Collection Method and Legal Reason:

Personal data are collected from customers electronically. Personal data collected for the above-mentioned legal reasons can be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law and in the Text Protection of this Personal Data.

6. Personal Data Retention Times

Our Shopping Site retains personal data for the period specified in these regulations, if required by relevant laws and regulations.

If a period of time is not regulated in the legislation regarding how long the personal data should be stored, it is processed for a period of time that requires the processing of our Personal Data Shopping Site in accordance with the practices and business life practices of our Shopping Site, depending on the activity carried out while processing that data, then deleted, destroyed or is made anonymous.

The purpose of processing personal data has expired; If the relevant legislation and retention periods determined by our Shopping Site have come to an end; Personal data can only be stored for the purpose of constituting evidence in possible legal disputes, or for the purpose of asserting the relevant right based on personal data or establishing a defense. Although the time-out periods and the time-out periods have elapsed in order to assert the right mentioned in the facility here, the retention periods are determined based on the samples submitted to our Shopping Site on the same subjects. In this case, the stored personal data is not accessed for any other purpose and only when it is required to be used in the relevant legal dispute, access to the relevant personal data is provided. Personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized after the mentioned period is over.


7. Customers' Rights as Personal Data Owner:

Data owners in accordance with Article 11 of the Law; (i) learning whether personal data has been processed about them, (ii) requesting information if the personal data has been processed, (iii) learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether it has been used in accordance with its purpose, (iv) transfer of personal data at home or abroad knowing third parties, (v) requesting correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, and requesting that the transaction performed in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data is transferred, (vi) Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the law and other relevant laws, requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in case of departure and requesting the notification of the transaction performed within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred, (vii) objecting to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems and (viii) It has the right to demand the compensation of the damage in case it is damaged due to the illegal processing of the work.

Requests for the exercise of such rights may be submitted by our personal data owners by the Shopping Mall through the methods specified in Law No. 6698.


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